
What should you know about your period blood colour?


Ever wondered which hue of the rainbow Aunt Flo will throw at ya this month? Whether you're gearing up to start your period or you're already a pro period-er, there are a few things you should know about the colour of your period blood. Sure, period blood is kinda a taboo topic, but isn't it about time we normalise something as normal as periods? Plus, it's a super important indicator of your health.

But, first, let's bring it back to basics. During your period, your body sheds the lining of the uterus [say: yoo tuh ruhs]. Menstrual blood flows from the uterus and through the vagina onto your RED undies. Btw, the vagina is different from the place where pee comes out - the urethra [say: yur ree thruh]!

Is my period blood colour normal?

In terms of the colour of your period blood, you can anticipate anything from cranberry red to barely-there pink and brown, and we're about to unleash all the fun facts on why. For this next segment, RED by Modibodi sat down with Dr. Natasha Andreadis for the rundown on all things period blood (we know - we're just as excited as you are)!

Got that fresh red? Basically, anything in the realm of "bright red, deep red, light brown, dark brown" is to be expected. Bright red blood "has oxygen in it," while brown blood (that kinda looks like your mum's morning brewed coffee) takes "its time getting down through your uterus, past the canal, and then outside onto your [RED] undies. If you've got a period that is just all dark brown, there's something going on because you should see bright red blood."

As always, if your periods are cramping your style or you ever experience bleeding in between periods and/or sudden changes in the colour of your menstrual blood, it's always better to check in with a medical professional to see what's goin' on with that cuterus [read: cute uh ruhs]- so you can get back to living your best life!

As far as grey or blue period blood? Wellllll...RED ALERT. Not healthy or normal. Let's leave those shades of 'blood' for the tampon commercials (also, talk to your doctor). On the other hand, "pink is normal. Usually, people have a bit of pink discharge before the period comes."

What's in my period blood?

Ever wondered what curious concoction makes up your period blood and affects its colour? Well, turns out, everything from vaginal fluid, "proteins, cells from the lining of the uterus," as well as "what you eat and if you've got an infection" can affect your period blood's shade. For example, lighter period blood (think: pink) indicates that the blood has combined with other vaginal/cervical fluid, typically at the beginning or end of your period.

As for clots (those denser, darker clumps), Dr. Andreadis says, "I think that women shouldn't really have clots. A good cycle should just be water. Watery, running, easy flow." Sooo if you're noticing a lot of clotting during your period, she recommends making a mental note about what you're eating, as well as checking your fluid intake - are you getting your two litres? If you have large or frequent clots, talk to your doctor!


What range of the rainbow did you get this month? Hey, it happens to all of us...let us know in the comments!

Extra lil' links:

Hey YOU! Yeah, YOU! We have a Podcast - SeeingRED! Click here for the brand new in-ear excitement where you can find candid conversations, facts you should know about already (but definitely don't yet) and a whole heap of help surrounding your health, happiness, and period. Head to ApplePodcasts and search SeeingRED to have a listen!

Check out this cuterus pin for some totally adorable period swag - own that period, girl!

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