
Modibodi's Top 5 Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint!

Modibodi's Top 5 Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint!
Modibodi's Top 5 Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint!

Single use products are not only bad for our planet because they end up in landfill or flushed down our waterways polluting our oceans, but the production process - energy, raw materials, carbon emissions - is detrimental as well. Switching to Modibodi is an investment in you and our planet. Here are some other ways that the Modibodi team are reducing our carbon footprint!

1. Get moving! Where possible, choose to walk, ride, hop or scooter from point A to B, or if it's too far take public transport!

"I live 5kms from the Modibodi office - I used to drive in, but have realised it is almost as fast to walk! Really cut out all the traffic and get some fresh air, I feel like I'm doing my bit the environment." Ali, Digital Marketing

2. Choose reusable! Not only does it save landfill but single use plastic produces huge amounts of carbon emission too.

"I used to find sustainability a really daunting concept as it feels HUGE to tackle. Now I take it one step at a time.

I started by switching to Modibodi - no disposables since I started nearly a year ago! Now I have a KeepCup at the office, in the car and at home so I have no excuse. I use a lightweight tote which folds down into my handbag for grocery runs. I’m not perfect but it’s a start" Nicole, eCommerce Lead

Did you know we ship in compostable packaging!? The bags are made from 100% biodegradable and compostable materials.

3. Meat-Free Mondays! Upping your veggie intake and reducing the amount of meat & dairy you have each week can help lower your carbon footprint.

"We’ve reduced our meat intake, we were never huge meat eaters, but have found lately that most of our meals are vegetable or pasta based. This was sparked when we introduced ‘Meat Free Mondays’ and realised we weren’t really changing any of our regular ingredients. We still eat a lot of fish and occasionally chicken, but have found when we have red meat now we feel a bit sluggish and bloated.

We’ve built a herb and veggie garden. Lots of trial and error here, but it’s been fun and I absolutely love going out the back in the evening (usually with a wine) and picking ingredients for dinner. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment and independence (coming from someone who used to kill every houseplant within weeks of buying them)." Sophie, Social Media & Partnerships

4. Switch providers. By making sure you're supporting ethical & sustainable providers for things such as banking, superannuation & energy you can make a powerful impact.

"There is a great series Fight For Planet A on ABC that has made me rethink where and how I invest with my banking, and what providers I choose to use. I am committed to making the switch. Small actions can lead to big changes." Sara, Brand Manager

5. Explore local. While none of us are really travelling overseas at the moment, it's a good time to see the environmental bright side and holiday close to home!

"I just came back from a week of road tripping up the coast. So many amazing small local towns that need a little bit of a boost from tourism. If you can maintain safe distancing and practices I absolutely encourage everyone to get out there! I lived overseas for five years and returned in 2019, since being back I've realised how special Australia is - our native animals and bushland are like no other. There's so much to explore once you get out of the main cities. My dad is a beekeeper in regional VIC, so I have seen first hand how important it is to support small local businesses and the difference it can make to Aussie families!" Viv, Senior Graphic Designer for Modibodi

What are some ways that you have been making the switch to reduce your carbon footprint?

You can also check out your carbon footprint with this Clever Carbon Quiz.

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